The Free Mind
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The Future of Digital ID

The Future of Digital ID

In conversation with Tracey Follows, Futurist and the author of "The Future of You"

Tracey Follows is a futurist. She’s the author of The Future of You, and she runs consultancy Futuremade, working with global brands and businesses to help them prepare for what comes next.

Tracey’s book asks how your identity can survive the 21st century technology. I’m going to have to interview Tracey again, as each chapter of her book opens up a new conversation. For this episode we focussed on Digital ID as it has been so topical in the news.

  • What does a futurist do?

  • What is Tracey most excited about and alarmed about in the future? (It’s the same thing…)

  • What forms could digital ID take?

  • Is it inevitable?

  • How can it help or hurt us?

I hope you like our conversation. Please do subscribe to support my writing and podcasts!


The Free Mind
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