Ian's graphs got me through the pandemic!

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Good interview Laura !

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Thank you!

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Tipped up for an eye test this morning and I realised it wasn't going to go well when I walked into the opticians to see all of the staff fully masked. I was asked to put a mask on and refused explaining that they didn't work in a prevention setting so what was the point. Their explanation was they were following NHS protection guidelines. Have a nice day, oh and you can cancel my appointment.

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Enjoyed your first podcast, Laura~ Found you months ago when Ivor Cummins had interviewed you on your book, State of Fear. Will be happily sharing this across all social media! Thank you and Ian for an informative, interesting discussion. I completely loathe the masks.

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Glad you two are cross-pollinating! For future podcasts I’d love to have them on a platform I can download and listen to off-line. Thanks for your scrupulous work.

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Great stuff, he's doing some great work. I agree with the idea that he can update it.

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Enjoyable and informative podcast. Articles have their place and value but equally so does 3D discussion. Great illustrations of 'knee-jerk responses' to unprecedented events. The media has always latched on to things people will readily assimilate, often using inaccuracy/scaremongering to facilitate doing so. Medicine will always be a great art but totally imprecise science and 'common sense' far from common!

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Thank you for your excellent ongoing work, so much appreciated. Superior interview, & so needed. Kudos to you and to Ian.

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Laura you and Ian are the heroes of our times.

Things said in this interview not only resonate with me but also reflect what I myself experienced because of my position against masks e.g. a schoolteacher friend ending our friendship because I support Us for Them (no masks in class), how visiting California no longer appeals, hearing from a GP friend "masks work!", the impossibility of explaining the futility of masks to the maskophiles, etc.

We live in France and unlike when we were living in England we cannot use those magik words 'I am exempted' and even with the relaxation in the mask-tyranny/idiocy it is still very annoying (don't even ask about pass sanitary!). Today I took our kid to the dentist - I was mask-free and she was cool with. Only later on one of nurse asked me to muzzle-up which I refused only to get consternation from another person in the waiting room. So clinics have joined the list of places of still requiring mask... but when I was called by my kid's dentist and I'm still mask-free she said nothing. I guess she know it's all theatre.

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Great podcast Laura. Having taught infection control I knew from the start that masks were ineffective at stopping the transmission of aerosolised respiratory viruses, masks are just a splash guard. Observing their use in the community has been the most difficult part of the pandemic for me. Thank you for all of the work you have done.

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Excellent - book on the way

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Excellent! Look forward to your future podcasts. Thanks for all your research, I guess I’m a true fan of yours😊.

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