The decline of the Post Office
How did the Post Office become a den of iniquity? The latest in a series of woes in Laura's modern world.
At this time of year you might expect an article about the Post Office which headlines the words ‘decline’ and ‘modern Britain’ to bemoan the typical seasonal problems, such as high value gift vouchers mysteriously disappearing en route, fragile packages chucked behind the bins if you’re out (with no note through the door, to add insult to injury) and Christmas cards sluggishly arriving in time for the New Year recycling collection. I could complain about the dwindling number of post office branches, becoming as lesser-spotted as that other British bastion, the once common sparrow.
But my grievance is something else. Throughout the country, Crown post office branches have made way for post office counters in convenience stories and they have become a franchised gateway to addiction for children.